Mota Fofalia, India

Mota Fofalia, India
Parking Spot

Friday, January 24, 2014

Traditional Meal

Last night, I enjoyed a traditional Indian meal. A friend of the Patel's wanted me to have that experience. We sat on mats on the floor. Like every other Indian meal, we ate with no utensils, using only the right hand. The Roti that was served with this meal was very thick. So, it was hard for me to tear with one hand. I have not mastered that art yet. And, it was hard to pick food up with it. So, I ended up scooping. The food in India is spicy compared to what I am used to. I have been able to tolerate it just fine, but there was something served with this meal that made my eyes water. They were all very worried about me, but I survived! They serve a sweet thing with the meal that tastes like brown sugar. They also had homemade butter and milk. I have noticed they don't serve water until the end. Then, they use the leftover water to rinse off their hands onto their plate/bowl. I always enjoy new experiences!

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