In India, there are 4 Caste's. The highest Caste (Brahma) are the elite Caste - wealthy and well educated. The lowest Caste is know as the "Untouchables". The Untouchables are very poor, not usually educated, and considered "dirty". They are the ones that live in the blue tarp slums you see on TV. The government as made an effort to equalize the huge societal divide. They have mandated that a certain number of "untouchables" be accepted to colleges and in to programs that, in the past, only Brahma's have been accepted in to.
Our new OBGYN is an "untouchable". He looked and looked for a job in the City where he was from, but no one would hire an untouchable. I applaud our hospital for being willing to help these people be successful! The problem is, people don't trust untouchables and don't want them to be their doctor.
How do you break this cycle that India has created?
Our new OBGYN is an "untouchable". He looked and looked for a job in the City where he was from, but no one would hire an untouchable. I applaud our hospital for being willing to help these people be successful! The problem is, people don't trust untouchables and don't want them to be their doctor.
How do you break this cycle that India has created?
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